My Anxiety

My Anxiety:

Anticipatory Anxiety: (Exactly 99% How I feel all the time)

Anticipatory anxiety is where a person experiences increased levels of anxiety by thinking
about an event or situation in the future. Anticipatory Anxiety can be extremely 
draining for people as it can last for months prior to an event. The worries people experience 
specifically focus on what they think might happen, often with catastrophic predictions about an 
event. The nature of negative predictions about the event will be the difference between an 
anxiety level that is incapacitating or merely uncomfortable. 

If you can answer YES to most of the questions it is likely that you are affected by anticipatory 

Do you experience feelings of tension and anxiety in the build up to an event? YES

Do you have images or negative predictions about what may happen at this event? YES

Do you sometimes avoid events or situations because of the increased anxiety they provoke? YES

I feel like this all the time, making a phone call, receiving a phone call, getting emails from specific 
people at work.

The worst is work… having to make sure i am available between 9-6. Working from home it still feels 
like I have to go to work for a certain time.

My General Anxiety:

Constant fear of forgetting something, always expecting negative situation, ill at ease.
Constant urge to want to head back to my home. Sometimes even sitting outside in the
back yard can be difficult. Being at home I feel a bit better than outside.
Always afraid of making a mistake or disappointing someone
Constantly running scenarios and conversations in my head, figuring out what i should 
do or say, then afterwards i repeat conversations in my head over and over criticizing what 
said and how it could have gone better and thinking how stupid i was.
Going shopping can be difficult, but going with my dad makes it fun. I still have that constant 
nag or pull to be at home.

My social Anxiety:

I hate meeting new people.

When my dad says he has company or that we will be getting company, 
I don't go over to his place during that time or day.

Unless it is people I know and not afraid of screwing something up around. 

(like my step dad’s brother and wife as they are fun to be around.)

I shop online for as much as possible so not to interact with anyone or so i 
don’t have to leave the house.

I always feel judged and that people are rejecting me.

I second guess everyone motives.

I'm really nervous of authority figures and have trouble speaking and I mess up 
and forget everything and I make stupid mistakes around them that mortifies me. 
(doctors, police, my boss)

Getting questions from people at work I don’t normally makes me suspicious and 
then I have tension for days or more until "the other shoe" drops or someone puts my 
mind at ease.

When my phone rings, I dread who it is and what it's about. good or bad, i get nervous 
about answering. especially seeing work numbers or unknown numbers. even getting an email from some 
people freak my out and i don’t want to open and read it.

Scenario for going to a DR appt.
Before leaving the house I have a fear of forgetting something. I fear being late.
I get sick to my stomach. I’m in the bathroom several times. i can hear the blood pounding in my ears.
I rush so I’m not late.. makes me hurt as i am over exerting myself sometimes when I’m walking or biking 

I run scenarios in my head about the appt.

I worry about work and the fact I’m not available for a few hours.
As i get close to destination I start to panic, hoping it isn't full of people. the less interaction with people the 

I know I have screwed up my eating habits and having to deal with that makes my heart race. I disappointed 
myself and I feel stupid.

I want in and out as fast as possible with little interaction. I feel the need to get home and back to work 

as I’m always nervous they will fire me.

I constantly fear losing my job and it makes me think about money and losing everything.
The walk home i feel better that the appointment is over and done with, but then my mind is on work and 
screwing that up.
I feel much better as I get home but I rush to make sure no one needed me for work stuff and if they did I 
panic and I can feel my head pound and I feel so tense.
Once I deal with anything outstanding I relax a bit.